Wow, two blogs back to back. And this time it's about dancing..or at least I would like think so.
I don't know at this moment. I guess I am obsessed with putting animated icons on here. Yes, Andrea, you are addicted or "obsessed" as you put it to using animated icons on the blog. Repeat after me: I am addicted to putting animated icons on your blog. Feel better? :) How funny is that?
I guess I am writing in here because this will be my last entry here in Lawrence, Kansas and it's somewhat bittersweet but then again, it's not. I am actually ready to go back to Ithaca, New York. I miss James way too much and I am ready to see him again. James even said that when I get back, the apartment will completely different from when I saw it last. Goodness, I am excited to see the apartment now.
I don't think that I have anything else to say...guess that's why I don't write in this thing everyday like some people that I know. I only write in here when I want to vent to just to speak out about something that has been bothering me. I just took a deep breath...and out came...NOTHING!!! What an amazing concept that is huh?! :)
Ok, I should wrap this up now. The next entry will be from Ithaca, New York and it may be a few days from now because to be honest, I don't think that there will be anything to say except for the fact that I will be working again and faxing my affidavit out to the credit card company to show that I have never used their services before...stupid identity theft. What can you do but learn from it right? That's all you can do not to mention pray about it as well. Being a victim of Identity Theft has taught me way too much and it has only made me stronger and wiser.

Ok, I am officially done blogging for this week and here in Lawrence, Kansas! Have a wonderful weekend everyone and until then, God Bless!
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