Monday, July 4, 2011

Broken Promises

*Note, this has nothing to do with James or my marriage. Just wanted to rant for a little bit*

If you are going to say you want to hang out, please say it and mean it! Three or maybe four or I am not sure because I am frankly tired of counting, but I have this friend that keeps on saying that they want to hang out, but things get in the way whether it's them drinking too much (which I think they need to get help), family, or it's just they don't want to. I have forgiven them way too many times and I am not sure if I can do it again. The thing is everytime we make plans to do something, it BLOWS up in MY face and I can't do it anymore. I just can't. I need a vacation. Thank goodness James and I are going to New York for his family reunion this Friday. Time a way from Kansas will do us some good. Oh and by the way, Happy Fourth Everyone!