Thursday, December 4, 2008

Work Ethics by Andrea

"I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish humble tasks as though they were great and noble. The world is moved along, not only by the mighty shoves of its heroes, but also by the aggregate of the tiny pushes of each honest worker" -Helen Keller
Since work is getting on my last nerve, I thought that I would just put work ethics or my version of it just for giggles. Then again, I don't know what I am really putting down here. I guess I should put down here for one particular technician reasons why she shouldn't get her "hours back" or what she should do in order to get her "hours back" (although, I did hear that she does want to transfer out of the Pharmacy so hmmmmm.....)
Let's start with why she she shouldn' know what? I am not going to do this. This isn't even right. I am not going to go there so I am not going to. Work today was ok; I really really think that Dennis (the new Pharmacy Manager) needs to learn how to run the register and fast! I am sure that the other technician feels the same way (even though I haven't asked them) because each time he asks one of us to go to the counter to ring a customer up, I can just see her body language go from "ok, I am counting pills" Indifference to "why can't you do it?!" No within matter of minutes. The look on her face when he specifically asks her to do it is priceless. I almost have toToo Funny hold my laugh in when she drops (or throws) the spatula on the counter just to take care of the customer. You know what? I think I am actually done for the night. I am off tomorrow so I just may write something tomorrow to stall time until James wakes up. Then again, who really knows? Hurry Up Have a good night everyone and God Bless!

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