Saturday, September 12, 2009

V is for...Venting!!!

Ah, it's Saturday! I have the weekend off and I thought that I would vent for today. I know I shouldn't vent, but I can't keep this to myself.
Before I vent, I found this online from a health writer by the name of Melissa Dahl. She wrote an article about venting and I thought that I would share it with whomever reads this blog of mine.

"Quit Complaining---it may make you feel worse" Venting to friends about problems is unhelpful and unhealthy, experts say.
When confronted with a problem, Ashley Merydith has a routine for dealing with it: She talks about it. Incessantly. To anyone who will listen.

“‘So he did this, and then I said this, and then he texted me this,’” says Merydith, 23, describing the intricacies of a venting session. “It’s basically rehashing every conversation.”

Her goal is to get it off her chest and feel better about the issue. But often, Merydith finds that venting about her problems has the exact opposite effect. “It makes you more amped up about the problem,” says Merydith, of Charlotte, N.C. Voicing your frustrations is a natural way of dealing with them — but watch out for when a conversation dissolves into a bitch session. Talking your problems to death can make you feel even worse.

A recent study found that teenage girls who vented to each other about their problems, from boy trouble to social slights, were more likely to develop depression and anxiety — and the same is likely true for adult women, says Amanda Rose, the author of the study.
“There’s a definite belief in our culture that talking about our problems makes you feel better,” says Rose, an associate professor of psychology at the University of Missouri, Columbia, whose research was published in the July issue of Developmental Psychology. “That’s true in moderation. ... It only becomes risky when it becomes excessive.”

Be more like a boy

Rose also studied the venting habits of young men, but found that guys don’t tend to analyze their problems as deeply as women. That might be because relationship issues tend to spark the most obsessive discussions, and that’s a subject women are more likely to dwell on.
Sometimes a kvetching session can spiral out of control, admits 21-year-old Amanda Beattie. Instead of making her feel better about the problem, it reinforces the small fears she already had — or even introduces new ones.
“It goes from statements about how I’m feeling to, ‘OK, so-and-so must hate me,’ to ‘I bet they never liked me in their life,’” says Beattie, who lives in Kansas City, Mo. “The more you talk, it hypes up your emotions.”
Still, there’s an upside to all that complaining. Rose points out that in her findings, the girls who vented to each other also reported feeling closer to their friends. It can establish an instant bond because the listeners know the complainer trusts them enough to spill their emotions — and the complainer’s just grateful that someone is willing to listen.
For 24-year-old Elizabeth Spencer-Green, a good griping session has often been a way to connect with other women. When she first moved to Seattle as a teenager, she hated her new school — and she bonded with a group of girls who felt the same way.
“I guess I used that as a way to fit in,” says Spencer-Green, who now lives in New York City.
But she noticed that as she complained with her friends about how much she hated the school, she started to hate it even more.

Confirming worst fears

That’s the danger of talking to friends who let you wallow in your sorrows. It can confirm your worst fears: Maybe you weren’t overreacting. He really did wrong you. She really was flirting with him.
And now you’re convinced: This is so a big deal.
“If I tell you my problem, and the way you listen to me is sort of agreeing with me, then it escalates the feeling, without having a practical solution for it,” says Matthew Anderson, a psychologist based in Boca Raton, Fla. Instead of spilling your problems to those friends who encourage your rants, turn to someone who’ll point you toward a solution.
In Beattie’s case, that was her mom. Beattie was stressed about the tension between herself and her co-workers at her new internship, and she called her mom to talk about it.
“She’d let me run out of steam, and then she’d remind me of what I needed to do to remedy the situation,” says Beattie.
Psychologists also warn against ranting over and over to the same audience. You don’t want to become known as the complainer of the group. That can take a toll on friendships; it’s draining to be around someone who’s always moaning about their troubles.
When faced with someone who’s intent on wallowing in their problems, give them some time to talk it out — maybe 15 minutes, suggests Annette Annechild, a marriage and family counselor in Del Ray Beach, Fla. After that, move away from complaining and on to problem solving.
Merydith, the conversation rehasher, says she’s trying to redirect her venting habit into healthier territory by seeking solutions instead of just complaining. “If you talk about it forever and ever, at some point, you have to be like, ‘OK, let’s move on.’”

I thought that I was going to vent, but instead, I found an article about it. So I hope that you enjoyed it as much as I did and until the next post, have a great weekend and God Bless!

Monday, September 7, 2009


Today is Labor Day, September 7 and I haven't written on here since August so I thought that I would enlighten or just write on here to amuse myself or whomever reads this.

Sometimes I wish that I could turn back time and do things differently.
These are what I wish I could have done while I was in college. I wish that I could have majored in Nursing instead of English. Did something more productive while I was in college (besides being a sorority for two semesters). Spoke my mind when I was put down instead of hiding behind my shadow. I wish that I went out more. I don't mean drinking every night, but at least go dancing with my friends and meeting more people. Going to more sporting events like football, basketball (especially basketball), soccer, and track.

Sometimes I wish that I can be more outspoken.
I know that I have mentioned that I wish that I could've spoke my mind while I was in college, but when I am at work, I tend to clam-up and not say anything when someone expects me to do so much when there are others out there that can do the exact same thing that I can do but choose not to because I am the one that always does it (does that make sense?). I just realized that I made a run-on sentence. Gosh, being an English major always seems to catch up with me and right now, it just did.

Sometimes I wish that I could be happy with what I look like.
James and I have officially started our infamous "diet" today. I want to lose weight. When I was pregnant, I had to do a physical and when they weighed me, I weighed 253 pounds!!! I couldn't believe it! 253 pounds!!! I should be 153 pounds not 253!! I told James that I would love to weigh 153 again. Actually, the smallest I have been was 145 when I was in high school. James has always said that he loves me for who am and not what my weight is, but deep inside, I just want to be the way I used to in high school that is.

Sometimes I wish I could get pregnant again...NOW!
When I was pregnant, I was so happy and excited that I was carrying something inside of me that James and I made together and when I found out that I miscarried almost a month ago, it ripped me apart. I am finally done bleeding and a part of me wishes that James and I can start again with trying to get pregnant regardless of what the doctor told me to do (he told me to wait a couple of cycles before trying). Then again, right now isn't a good time for me to be pregnant. We have so many bills and me being pregnant again would only make it a little worse. Then again, James and I do have insurance so who really knows?

Since I am in the "sometimes" mode, I thought that I would put lyrics from a song called "Sometimes" by Britney Spears. Granted it's not one of my favorites, but I just thought that I would put some of the lyrics that include my theme word of the day.
Sometimes I run
Sometimes I hide
Sometimes I'm scared of you
But all I really want is to hold you tight
Treat you right, be with you day and night
Baby all I need is time

I am done with my "sometimes" blog. So until the next time I write on here, have a good Labor Day, good week, and God Bless!