"At the end of the day, there are some things you just can't help but talk about. Some things we just don't want to hear, and some things we say because we can't be silent any longer. Some things are more than what you say, they're what you do. Some things you say cause there's no other choice. Some things you keep to yourself. And not too often, but every now and then, some things simply speak for themselves." -Dr. Meredith Grey from the television show,
Grey's Anatomy
everyone!! This is my first blog post for the New Year and I thought that I would write down on my first post my New Years Resolutions.
Lose Weight. 
I know that I keep on saying this, butI really want to do it. When I was in Illinois, I was losing weight, but coming back here to New York and all of the good food somewhat made me gain most of it back and I don't like it at all. I really don't eat that much food, but it seems like I am bigger than I used to be and I have this issue with I really don't like what I see in the mirror and the only way I can really like what I see is to buckle down and get this diet going. I have some ideas on what I can do and hopefully it will work.
Be More OutSpoken (on things that I believe in).
Sometimes I feel that people put me down; whether it is behind my back or to my face and I do nothing about it. Not anymore! Life is way too short to be bullied and from now on, I need or will take charge on if someone is saying crap about me or just afraid of saying something to my face (especially if it concerns me and not the other person).
3. This isn't really a resoultion, but more of something that I need to do more often: smile.
According to some people, it seems that I never smile enough and I need to. Smiling is the best medicine invented and if someone makes me mad, sad, or even happy all I can do is smile because not only is smiling contagious, but people can't read your mind when you are smiling (especially if you are mad at them for doing something stupid or wrong).
4. Learn how to Cook.

Even though I love James' cooking, it's about time that I learn how to cook for myself (especially if James will be working late or he will be at a friends house or if he will be out of town for a few days).
I know how to make Macroni and Cheese and the "Hamburger Helper" stuff, but I want to learn how to make Chicken, Lasagna, Spaghetti (and the sauce), and stuff like that. I know it will take time, but I know I will be able to do it and when I do, I want to surprise James with a meal sometime and have him enjoy it.
5. Read The Bible more.
I have been reading The Bible more than ever, but I want to read it more. The Bible is so interesting and just when you think you have it figured out, you don't because there's so much in it that makes it amazing. James even said that we should schedule one night that we both read part of a Chapter from The Bible and discuss it. I really can't wait for that to happen because I want to hear what James has to say about the Chapters we will be reading together.
6. Write or Email my Friends more often.
I have been really bad about keeping in touch with my friends whether it's through email or snail mail (I prefer email) and since I hardly know anyone here in New York since most of my friends are still in Kansas, I feel that I need to write them more (even the ones that I really don't want to talk to).
7. Finish up the Story I started writing two years ago.
When James and I moved to Illinois, I was writing this story about a woman who moves away from home to go to college, meets the man of her dreams, and finds her faith again. Where I left off, the main character's boyfriends Grandmother dies and he was cold towards her because his was very close to his Grandmother and for some strange reason, he wouldn't let her help him grieve but then, he finally lets her help him. I guess that's where I left off oh wait, he also tells her that he loves her for the first time. I am on page eight or nine and I really need to start up with that again. I really don't know when I will have time to do it, but I really want to because it's getting good and I don't want my mind to forget the ideas I have in store for this story.
8. Read More.
I love reading and I haven't had time to read so now I want to read. A couple of weekends ago, James' cousin Jade, her friend Matt, and myself went to see the movie, Twilight and I thought that it was an awesome movie. So since many people have said that the Books are somewhat better than the movie, I am going to take a stab at it and start reading the books and compare them to the movies (like I did with Harry Potter). Just in general, I just want to read more because whenever I am on my lunch break at work, I feel that I am just wasting time after I am done eating so why waste time when you can read right?
9. Be a Better Wife.

I am not saying that I am a bad wife, but I want to be a better one than I am now. I know that James loves me and everything, but I just want to be a better one. James and I are going to be married for five years this August 7, and I want to do more things for him rather have him do things for me (if that makes any sort of sense).
10. Meet new Friends and keep the Old.

I keep on saying this, but I really do want to make new friends. It's not that I am shy or anything, I just don't really have the time or the effort to make any friends and personally, I think that's sad just plain sad. Even though I do have to admit that I do have two friends that I really don't get to see that much, with my new schedule, I think that I will be able to and I am so excited to see them again. With James and I moving to Odessa in less than four or five months, I am afraid that I won't meet anyone new but then again, I could be wrong because when we move, we will also be getting a car so I will be able to drive around and hang out with friends and meet some new ones (hopefully...cross your fingers). 11.
Spend more time with my Family.
This Christmas and New Years hit me hard because I didn't get to see any of my family members and it was really rough for me. I am really close to them and hearing my nephews voices on the phone on Christmas Day made me cry. Even though I am in a different state, different time zone, and a different country from my family, I want to try and spend more time with them even if it means if they have to come down here, so be it. I really want to do this and I hope I can do it.
Call the People in my Life more.
I know that this isn't really much of a resolution, but I don't get on the phone that much except for my little sister and I want to call my friends more and see how they are doing (I guess that's almost the same thing as my sixth resolution). I guess what I am trying to say is that I want to keep in touch with my friends and family more than I do. This is my final resolution and I hope that I am able to stick by these.
I guess I am done writing out my resolutions so I hope that everyone has a Happy New Year! May God continue to bless you and bring many more happiness for this up-coming year! Have a a great weekend and God Bless!
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