Since I know that I won't be able to write on here tomorrow, I thought that I would write on here a day early and mention what I am thankful for since I won't be able to tomorrow (oh and by the way, pictures will be included just for your enjoyment). Ok, in no particular order, the following are what I am thankful for:

Even though my mother-in-law isn't pictured with James, my parents, his father, and myself, I am truly thankful for my family (mostly my parents and my parents-in-law). They have done so much for me and I really don't know what I would do without them. Considering that I haven't seen my own parents since last summer, it's actually a good thing because it just makes me miss them even more and the fact that my mother-in-law lives here in Ithaca, has brought us closer than before.

Of course I am thankful for the love of my life. I have been with James six years and married to him for four. He by far is my first and only true love. I don't think I have ever been so happy to have him in my life as I do now. It's funny because almost eight or nine years ago, I had a dream that I met a guy that had brown hair and blue eyes and came from a family from nothing but brothers. Who knew that God was telling me something? Who knew that I was going to meet my soulmate two years after having that dream? Who knew that I was going to marry this man? I know who and that person was God. They do say that God works in mysterious ways and look, He worked this one for sure!

I should have an updated picture of my friends and myself, but this is what will do....for now. I am thankful for my friends. Some of them haven't been there, but some of them have and especially when I needed them the most. There is one particular friend that I have that I haven't spoken to in two or three years and frankly to be honest, I really think that God is trying to tell me that it's time to part with her and move on even though it will be hard, I know it will be for the best. I know that there are times that I wish I could call her or just visit her when I am home visiting my folks, but there's nothing I can do and right now, I am ready for the next step...moving forward.

Not to sound selfish or anything, but I am thankful for my health. I have yet to get sick (even though currently James is sick and I know that there's a great chance that I will get sick too) and I am so glad that I have no diseases or that I haven't missed a day of work because I am sick because I am not sick!!! I am so happy (watch, I just think that I jinxed myself; I will get sick within a couple of days).

Lastly, I am thankful for my Lord Jesus Christ. Not only is He there when I need Him the most, but He is
always there for me no matter when or what day it is. He is the reason why I am the person that I am now and I feel that I am a changed person because of Him and for that I give Him the most thanks of all.

I don't think that I need to write anymore on this blog because everything that I wanted to say is already said (hope that made sense).

Well, I am falling asleep as I type so I am going to sign off.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

This is

signing off! Enjoy your turkey, friends, and family! God bless!