I am doing good. Actually, I am not doing so well so I guess I just might vent on here.

But before I start, as everyone knows, it's officially Autumn. It doesnn't really feel like Autumn it feels more like Winter. Then again we are in Ithaca, New York so everyday feels like Winter ever since Autumn has arrived. In light of the season changing, I thought that I would have Autumn decorations on here.

I am just facinated by them so I do apologize if I overdo it. I am done putting Autumn pictures on here. I also realized that I haven't written on here for almost a month (or it could be a month who knows) so I just wanted to write on here. I know that there are some people that read my blog, but I am not quite sure who does. I have some idea, but then again I am not sure. Ok, I am done with that, on to a different subject. How about work? Oh and to for warn you, I am going to use pictures to describe my feelings (it's a lot more fun that way).
Ever since Joe left a little over a month ago, we have had this guy named Tim work at this Pharmacy and frankly, I am not liking this at all.

Let's see if I can put what he is like into pictures:

. Figured it out yet? Ok, here are the answers: he's demanding, sarcastic, and he has known to make people cry (I was one of them, but I cry when I am angry not only sad). Every person who has dropped off a prescription to have filled, he has told them two or three hours. When people question why it would take that long, instead of telling them why, he tells them that they (the customers) can take their prescriptions somewhere else. People have complained about him, but nothing has happened. Even our store manager isn't fond of him so what can we do? Absoultely nothing!! For me, all I can do is pray whenever he gets me mad. Because when I pray, it helps calm my nerves and not to mention it prevents me from doing or saying something that I know that I will regret later. I don't think that I have more to vent about work because the only problem we (meaning Sean and I) have is Tim and we can only hope that we get a better Pharmacist soon and FAST!!!
Onto a different subject....

Grandma Shew's 80th Birthday!!! Yup, her birthday isn't until January, but I thought that I would bring it up now. Grandma Shew (James' grandmother on his Mom's side) is the closest thing that I have to a grandmother (since both of my grandmothers have passed away) and I am so extremely blessed that I have her in my life. She treats me like as if I was one of her own and there's nothing like her. Not to mention Grandpa Shew (her husband of almost 58 years). He's one of a kind too and just like Grandma Shew, he treats me as if I was one of his own. I love these two people so much and I am just so incredibly blessed to have them in my life. I guess I just spoke about both Grandma and Grandpa Shew instead of just Grandma Shew. James and I are going to see them on Friday and we are so looking forward to it.
Different subject time....

I really don't know what else I need to talk about. I am just happy that I finally figured out how to put these smilies on my blog without having to upload them. Can't believe that the elections are coming up in a couple of weeks. I don't know whether to vote for

or for

. Decisions decisions!! Then again, I do have an idea on who I want to vote for (but I won't mention it on here).
Since I have nothing else to say, I will just say

Have a goodnight everyone and God bless!
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