When James and I got married, we had no idea that we would have his brother stay with us for a while let alone have my sister stay too (separate times of course). That was a huge test for us. I know that God was watching over us because I really do think that God was testing us to see if we can have family stay with us no matter what the circumstance was and fortunately, we passed! Although when my little sister stayed, she had to pay while she was with us and James' brother didn't have to. I felt that it was unfair, but back then I didn't. Conor wanted to save up money so he can live on his own and Roxy seemed like she wanted to stay there for as long as she could. Wow! Just when I thought that I really couldn't do it anymore, but again, God has taught me about patience and it paid off. She moved out within a few months.
The day after James and I got married, we moved to Ithaca. Actually, we moved to Odessa to live with his parents until we found a job and an apartment in Ithaca. Luckily, it didn't take that long for James to find us an apartment in Ithaca. The only problem was finding a job but then again, I did find one within a month so that wasn't really that bad. I guess the problem was money. We did have enough money to move in, but we didn't have enough money to buy food or anything like that so James had to pawn his guitar and our DVDs. We also had to ask his Aunt and my Mom for money. We paid them back as soon as we could. That was the worse thing that we ever had to do but again, God has taught us about material things and we realized that that stuff wasn't really important (not to mention that in due time we would be getting that stuff back soon).
When James and I left for New York, I didn't realize that I didn't pack most of my clothes in my big black suitcase. BIG MISTAKE!!! I called my Mom and asked her to send some of my clothes to Odessa. She was mad at me and it was clearly justified. We also realized that we didn't take our wedding gifts with us either. It was until we lived in Illinois six months ago that we finally got our wedding gifts and we are still waiting for the rest of them.
Throughout our four year marriage, we have only fought twice. Yes, you read that right twice. The first time was when we were in Illinois and the second time was when I was in Kansas visiting my Mom. Both of them were blown way out of proportion. I like to overreact and James knows this and if I wasn't such a brat about things, we wouldn't have fought at all. James and I talk about everything and I do mean everything. From how our day went to what is bothering us, we talk about it and it's such a good thing because it relieves stress and it makes me feel that I know I can go to him no matter what the situation entails.
I think that I have blabbed or blogged enough about my wedding anniverary and about my marriage to James. I do want to mention one thing though. What we did on our anniverary. We didn't get to spend the whole day together because I had to work, but he did surprise me with my favorite dinner that he makes: burritos!! His burritos are really good! Now that we are trying for a child, I feel that this is the next step in our marriage and I am looking forward to becoming a Mom. I know I will make a good Mom and James will make a fantastic Father! So I just want to say in closing..